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SEO enhancements for your Dynamic Models


We improved SEO for Dynamic Models detail pages.

Canonical URLs

From now on all dynamic models detail pages have canonical link in the header, which is constructed based on dynamic model ID (and slug if it's defined). 

Example: the update detail page which you are reading right now is accessible at /o/update/54/seo-enhancements-for-your-dynamic-models/ which is also a canonical URL.

URL resolving

From now on it's possible to access dynamic model detail pages using following url:{model name}/{id}/{slug}/

where slug part is optional. Considering that, you could access this very update detail page using following urls:

  •{real dynamic model slug}/
  •{any slug}/

Where a canonical url is of a following form:{real dynamic model slug}/

They would all resolve. If a user accessed a dynamic model by not using the canonical url, they will be redirected to the canonical form.

If there's no slug defined for a given dynamic model,{model name}/{id}/ is used as a canonical url.


Slugs are recalculated every time when a dynamic model is saved. However each dynamic model can have a slug constructed in a different way. This is the nature of dynamic models and CNXION's flexibility. If you want to configure specific slug forms for your dynamic models to enhance your SEO, let us know.